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RRP Awareness Day: June 11

Giving Voice to Inspire Change

RRP Awareness Day was established to raise awareness about recurrent respiratory papillomatosis (RRP) and bring together RRP patients and their caregivers, encouraging connections and building community among those affected by this devastating disease.

June 11

Awareness activities culminated in an inaugural RRP Awareness Day event on June 11, 2024 featuring a moderated panel discussion with RRP patients and caregivers, insights from RRP clinicians, and remarks by elected and government officials. The inaugural event was held at the National Press Club in Washington, DC and webcast to hundreds of virtual participants.

Event Highlights

Spread the Word

One of the most impactful ways individuals and organizations can support RRP Awareness is by spreading the word in your online communities. Our theme, Giving Voice to Inspire Change, provides an invitation to lend your voice and be heard to raise awareness for this devastating disease.


RRP patients in the United States


RRP patients outside the United States

Juvenile Onset RRP

almost always diagnosed by age ten and usually before age five

Onset RRP

may present at any age with some preference for occurrence seen in adult males in their 30s

Learn More About RRP

Learn More About RRP

RRP is a rare, difficult-to-treat disease of the upper and lower respiratory tracts that is caused by infection with human papillomavirus (HPV) 6 or HPV 11.
  • There are no FDA-approved therapeutics for the treatment of RRP and the current standard-of-care involves repeated surgeries to remove benign tumors that repeatedly grow along the respiratory tract.
  • Adult onset RRP is driven by sexual transmission and juvenile onset RRP is typically transmitted during birth.
  • RRP is potentially life-threatening especially if pulmonary or malignant transformation occurs.
  • RRP can cause severe voice disturbance, airway compromise, fatal pulmonary lesions, and invasive cancers.

Patient Stories

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